The Sound of Heaven

I am no musician, as I am sure others will attest, and though I love to worship I cannot read a note of music. Yet I do know that in tuning an instrument it needs to be tuned to vibrate in harmony with the note on the tuning fork. For example, the tuning of a piano. When the tuning fork is struck it gives off sound and then the tension on the string on the piano needs to be adjusted so that it vibrates in harmony with the sound of the tuning fork. The tuning fork sets the standard.

In a similar manner our lives are to be tuned, adjusted to His presence and purpose over and above our desires, adjusted to His standard. Ideally our desires will align with His. Yet in my experience, and I know it is the same for many others, they are often in conflict. I don’t believe we will ever fully understand all the where’s and whys of His purposes from the perspective of earth. However, just as the piano string needs to be turned, stretched and adjusted to stay in harmony with the note on the tuning fork, He is continually adjusting our lives to be in harmony with His purpose whether or not we understand it.

To carry this a little further think of a traditional upright piano. We see the pianist striking the keys and we hear sounds come forth from the piano. However, the keys are not producing the music. The keys activate a pad that strikes a string that produces a sound. Activity is taking place inside the piano. In a similar manner, what expresses Jesus character through us is something that takes place where He works, on the inside, in our spirits.

I believe that we need to tune our hearts to hear and respond to the sound of heaven inside! One way I find to do this is to engage deeply in worship. When I worship Him and begin to encounter His presence, I find He is tuning my heart to hear His voice. I become sensitized to what He is saying and doing in a room, with a group of people. He begins to reveal things to me. You may experience that through reading the word or praying. I find intimate worship the most effective tool to tune my heart to hear His voice, to move in harmony with Him. My desire is expressed in a line from a song I wrote in the 90’s, “I’m moved by Your moving within.” I desire to encounter His presence within and then give expression to what He is doing and minister to others.

Let’s ask Him to tune the strings of our hearts to vibrate in harmony with His presence and purpose. As Paul put it.

Colossians 1:27 (NKJV)

27 To them God willed to make known what are the riches of the glory of this mystery among the Gentiles: which is Christ in you, the hope of glory.

Here is a song that reflects the tuning of our hearts Can you hear the sound of heaven – YouTube

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I have been walking with Jesus since 1985. I am currently retired from my career in the helping professions but still focused on ministering to others. I completed a Doctorate of Philosophy in Apologetics in September 2020.

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